Sheena Jayne

Introducing Sheena, your personal guide to holistic well-being and a seasoned expert in personal transformation. With over a decade of coaching experience and qualifications in personal training, nutrition, and psychology, Sheena is the visionary behind the Highest Self Collective — an innovative, app-based sanctuary tailored for conscious women embarking on a journey of self-evolution. The Highest Self Collective provides versatile training programs suitable for women at every level, whether in the gym, at home, or during pregnancy/postpartum.


Drawing from 5 years of competitive bodybuilding, where she proudly represented New Zealand twice at the Bikini Olympia, Sheena's expertise is deeply rooted in the holistic well-being pillars of Move, Nourish, Be. The Collective not only offers education but equips women with the tools to elevate their well-being.


Beyond the Collective, Sheena extends her transformative touch through exclusive 1:1 coaching. Sheena offers limited in-person PT sessions at the Olympic gym. Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Visit Sheena's website to explore her coaching offerings and secure your spot for a personalised and immersive experience.

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